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7 Ways to Refresh Your Child's Bedroom | Sleep Galleria | Sleep Galleria

7 Ways to Refresh Your Child's Bedroom | Sleep Galleria

7 Ways to Refresh Your Child's Bedroom

Your child deserves a room that grows with them. Learn how to revamp an outdated child’s room with these tips and tricks.

Children grow fast and they can sometimes outgrow their bedrooms. That’s why ideas for toddler rooms have such a long list of pages on Pinterest. Every time your child reaches a new milestone in their cognitive and physical development their needs will change with them. Developing new skills like walking and climbing, or feeding themselves, and learning to draw are all exciting moments in you and your child’s lives. Ones that you’ll cherish forever.

Even learning new words, creating sentences, and using their imagination are all examples of the different stages of development you and your child will experience together. This is why we’ve collected several practical and playful ideas for toddler rooms that will prepare you for the fun of advancing through the developmental stages with your little one.

1. Less Is More

Minimalism is more than just a trend, it’s one of many creative ideas for toddler rooms. It’s a belief in getting more out of life by living with less stuff. This same principle can benefit your child. There are a few ways you can take advantage of the benefits of minimalism to improve your child’s bedroom. Using simple decor is one of the easiest ways to accomplish a fun and inviting atmosphere without too much going on.

You can also maximize space in your child’s room by having less furniture. The best way to do this is by using functional furniture with built-in storage. That way it doubles as a piece of furniture and a place to store your child’s stuff when not in use, which avoids clutter. All of this together makes for an open space for your child to play, with room to grow alongside them. Having a crib or bed with built-in storage is one of many quick and cute bed ideas for toddlers that doubles its utility and saves space. It’s easy to refresh a room when there’s lots of open space.

2. Protect Yourself With A Mattress Protector

Let’s face it, accidents happen. When they do, they can completely ruin your child’s mattress. The good news is, they don’t have to if you have the right protection in place. You can protect your mattress against any accidents with a crib mattress protector. This is one of many parents’ favorite bed ideas for toddlers because it guards against leaks, spit-ups, and full-on blowouts.

You know it’s going to happen, so you might as well be ready for when it does. It not only protects the mattress but also makes cleaning up easier than if you only had sheets. Having a mattress protector is one of many toddler bed ideas that will keep your mattress fresh even after they finally grow too big for it, and you have to get a bigger bed. Which, believe it or not, will be here before you know it.

3. Create A Nook/Nesting Place

Ideas for toddler rooms come in many forms. One, in particular, is solitude. Even our kids need a place to get away from it all. Everyone needs a little alone time once in a while. Creating a nook or nesting place in a corner of your child’s room where they can lounge, entertain themselves, or learn, is great for them and you.

It’s also a great way to update your child’s room as they advance through the developmental stages. Incorporate plenty of comfy features, like pillows and blankets, to make the space nice and cozy. These can always be switched out later to change up the color schemes and different themes you might want to have as your little one stops being so little.

4. Set Up A Workspace

You don’t need a ton of extra space to set up a work area for your child. It can be as easy as using a thin space-saving desk with chairs that slide underneath. This gives your child a place to be creative and explore their imagination through a wide array of activities. It can be used for coloring, making crafts, or just playing with toys. It will serve as a way to keep them occupied while you get some much-needed items marked off of your to-do list.

It will also help their cognitive and physical development by providing them with the mental and physical stimulation they need to grow. One of the best things about a small desk is that it can be used all throughout your child’s life. When they start going to school it can be used for studying, doing homework, and completing special school projects. It can be a place for them to decorate and express themselves while teaching them organization and tidiness.

5. Get The Right Mattress

That’s right! Getting the right crib mattress can make a big difference in refreshing your child’s room. It’s one of those ideas for toddler rooms that often gets overlooked because it’s so simple. Your child deserves a safe and comfortable sleep environment. Their bed is where they’ll go at the end of every long day to rest and recharge, and let you do the same.

Having a mattress that’s engineered for optimal airflow will benefit your child’s safety, comfort, and health. Look for other options like moisture-wicking covers. These will help absorb and disperse body temperature while your child is asleep. Maintaining a cooler temperature encourages healthy and restorative sleep cycles. That goes for everyone too, so it also works for yourself if you’re looking for ways to sleep better at night. Who would’ve known that toddler bed ideas this simple could make such an impact?

6. Have Fun With Colors

Colors can do more than brighten up a child’s room. Colors can affect our mood and impact our emotions. Choosing warm and happy colors like yellow and orange are great to encourage positive moods. Colors are easier to change if you leave the walls neutral, and instead of painting colors on the walls, incorporate different colors in toys, furniture, and fixtures. These are all things that can be updated and repainted with new colors as your child gets older. Changing up colors and patterns are also great bed ideas for toddlers, as mentioned in our next tip.

7. Use High-Quality Sheets

One of the easiest toddler bed ideas that can refresh your child’s room is getting a new high-quality sheets. The stages of your child’s development all depend on proper nutrition, mental stimulation, physical activity, and restorative sleep. One way to encourage your child to get the most restful night’s sleep possible is by using a high-quality sheet. It may not seem like a lot, but there are several benefits to having the right sheets for sleep.

Look for a sheet that’s hypoallergenic to avoid any issues with allergies. New allergies can develop as your child gets older. If your child is experiencing allergy-like symptoms, talk to your pediatrician, and consider switching to sheets and pillows that are hypoallergenic. This is one of many healthy bed ideas for toddlers. Getting new sheets can mean adding new and refreshing flares of color to the room. Multi-color sheets are great ways to start teaching your child about the different color names and types.

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